Hebron Colony / Grace Home

A Christ-Centered Addiction Recovery Ministry

Help Us Help Others

The Hebron 300 Club

This is what keeps the ministry going. It allows people like you to invest in the lives of those who are crying out to be released from the bondage of addiction. Your donations give these individuals an opportunity to take the necessary steps toward a changed life.


We want to introduce to you the Hebron 300 Club. If everyone that receives our newsletter would make a commitment to give a minimum of $300 this year to support the work here at Hebron and Grace Home, our annual budget would be met. This amounts to 82 cents per day, or $25 per month, per person. Would you be willing to pray about becoming an active and faithful participant in this Kingdom work?


You can do it now by clicking on the donate button below:

Hebron Colony Ministries, Inc. is a nationally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations of value are deductible for tax purposes.*

Hebron 300 Club Donation

* We do not provide tax advice. Please consult your tax professional for details regarding applicability to your specific tax circumstances.

©2024 Hebron Colony Ministries, Inc.  • Website Design by CreatedNew

Hebron Colony


Grace Home


Boone, NC

Santee, SC

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