Hebron Colony / Grace Home
A Christ-Centered Addiction Recovery Ministry
Q & A
Frequently asked questions and the answers to go with them.
All men and women, ages 20 and over, are welcome to apply.
There is no cost for the program itself. We do, however, require that a $300 refundable medical deposit be made at the time of admission. This is strictly to help alleviate the cost of over-the-counter medications and any medical emergencies that may arise. Anyone can make the deposit for you and any unused funds will be returned to them.
Keep in mind that we are NOT a medical facility and that any medical needs required will necessitate a visit to a local doctor or hospital.
There is typically an 8-10 week waiting list for admission, but don't let this discourage you. You will need time to submit your application, get some simple blood tests done, and take care of any necessary detox prior to your stay.
Your best bet is to get your application in and get on the list. So don't delay another day.
How to apply
Hebron Colony and Grace Home are not properly equipped detoxification facilities and cannot meet the specialized needs of someone in need of that type of immediate attention.
Our primary focus is on helping individuals through the healing process of mind, body, and spirit. We show people a new way to live so that they can find complete freedom from their addictive lifestyles.
If you are in need of immediate attention, please contact a local detox center. You will find most of these facilities listed on the internet or in your local phone directory.
We commit ten weeks (thirteen weeks for the women's ministry) to help you find a new way of life free from addiction and we ask you to commit to the same.
While this may seem like a long time to you, realize that you didn't get where you are overnight and you won't get out of it overnight either. It takes time to learn a new way of life and this time is a good start.
Do yourself a favor and give your mind, body, and spirit the time they need to begin to heal. You are worth it!
Our program is based on biblical Christian Principles. We are not aligned with any specific religious denomination or organization and we do not discriminate as to any persons particular religious beliefs.
Our mission is to reclaim lives ruined by alcohol and drug abuse through the preaching, teaching, and studying of God's redemptive work through Jesus Christ as revealed to us in the Bible.
Our program is based on Ten Scriptural Principles that are taught in the Bible. The changed lives of men and women who have attended our program are testimony to the fact that by practicing these principles in everyday life, and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a person can truly be set free from drug and alcohol addiction.
Other programs teach methods and means of coping with addiction. They address addiction as an incurable "disease" from which one can never recover.
We believe that addiction is only a symptom of deeper problems within ourselves. Problems like shame and guilt and sin that cause us to seek refuge in substances.
In short we do it because we want to... and no program, group, or person can change that desire. We can't even do it ourselves. But we will introduce you to the One who can change your desires and set you free from the bondage of sin and addiction.
If you are willing to surrender your will and your way to the care of God, and faithfully practice the principles we teach, then you will find freedom from a life of addiction.
Some people do and some people don't. That is the freedom of choice that each of us has. God is faithful and will do all He promises to do. The real question is will we? Are you willing?
We do allow the use of tobacco in specific designated areas.
While we by no means encourage the use of tobacco, we don't believe that this should be an issue that might prevent someone from seeking help for things that are much more destructive in their lives.
What we do believe is that once a person begins to heal spiritually, then they will begin to deal with their other destructive habits in due time.
You are not allowed to keep or use cell phones during your stay with us. We do, however, encourage you to write to your loved ones. After the first two weeks, you will be permitted to make landline calls on weekends.
After the first two weeks, your immediate family members may visit on weekends and certain holidays. Pastors are allowed to visit you anytime with advance notice. Girlfriends and boyfriends are welcome to attend your graduation service at the end of your stay.
Just click the following link for instructions on how you can receive or download your applications.
How to apply
Are there any age restrictions?
How much does it cost?
Can I get in right away?
What do I do if I need immediate help?
How long is the program?
What does faith-based mean?
Is this a 12-step program?
Why is this different?
What is your success rate?
Do you allow smoking?
Can I use my cell phone?
Can I have visitors?
How do I apply?
Other Addiction Treatment Facilities
If we can't help, don't give up. You have already taken the biggest step. Maybe one of these places can help.
Here you will find the hope and the help you need to overcome addiction.
Ways that you can become involved with what is going on in the ministry. We need you and we need your help. The blessings you will receive are countless.
An introduction to what being a student at Hebron Colony and Grace Home is all about.
All the things going on at Hebron and Grace. News of recent and upcoming projects and events.
See our contact details and location.
Information about our ministry, how it began, our facilities, and who God has raised up to oversee and manage everything.
©2024 Hebron Colony Ministries, Inc. • Website Design by CreatedNew
Hebron Colony
Grace Home
Boone, NC
Santee, SC
Main Offices / Men's Facility
Women's Facility